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Dr. Alice & Dr.Grace
2 min read
The Benefits of Fish Oil
We see fish oil supplements stocked up in our local health food stores of grocery stores, and hear that fish oil is good for you all the...

Dr. Alice & Dr.Grace
5 min read
All About Vitamin D!
VITAMIN D (CHOLECALCIFEROL) What else do you know about Vitamin D, other than that we can get it naturally from sun bathing and it...

Dr. Alice & Dr.Grace
2 min read
Migraines! What can you do about it?
Migraines are a type of recurrent, paroxysmal attacks of pounding or sharp headache, that may start from one side of the head and may...

Dr. Alice & Dr.Grace
1 min read
Do you have what's called a Leaky Gut?
6 SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE A LEAKY GUT!! 1. Are you experiencing chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas, or bloating? 2. Are you developing skin...
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